To refresh your memory, this petition was launched by Ryan Slingerland of Coalhurst, Alberta on March 28, 2018 at 10:55 am (EDT) Summary of this petition: Bill C-71, An Act to amend certain firearms laws and regulations, will have no effect on gun violence, but will impose new red tape […]
Online Mobilization to Reduce Violent Crime: Dialogue on Handguns and Assault Weapons
You are a firearms owner, you want to make your opinion known about the possible ban on handguns and weapons that the Ministry of Public Security calls “assault weapons”. The online mobilization ends on November 10, 2018. Here is an excerpt from their website: Ensuring community safety and reducing violent […]
Less than 15% of firearms registered in Quebec
Rifle and gun owners have until January 29 to register their firearms with the Quebec Firearms Registration Service. Photo: Radio-Canada The gun registry in Quebec, launched in the controversy in January 2018, is not very popular. The CBC has learned that only 211,555 firearms were registered at the […]
MPs looking into whether RCMP are in contempt of Parliament for gun bill post
A parliamentary committee is looking into whether the RCMP should be found in contempt of Parliament for posting potentially misleading advice to firearm and gun shop owners regarding the Liberals’ gun legislation. At the centre of the dispute is the question of whether the Canadian firearms program’s website anticipated a decision of Parliament by […]
Minister drops ‘assault weapons’ from gun-ban consultations
Border Security Minister Bill Blair has dropped the term “assault weapon” from his firearm vocabulary after an initial series of roundtable discussions in a government study of possible bans on handguns and assault rifles in Canada. As he continues an examination of the potential ban, Blair now uses the term “assault-style” […]
Canada: mouvement étudiant pour un meilleur contrôle des armes à feu
Les étudiants du Canada ont commencé à se mobiliser, afin d’exiger d’Ottawa une législation ambitieuse ainsi qu’une vision d’avenir beaucoup plus vastes que l’actuel projet de loi C-71. En mars dernier, le gouvernement fédéral a présenté le projet de loi C-71 ayant comme objectif d’accroître la sécurité des Canadiennes et des […]